Varieties of garlic. Different types
8 October, 2019
Garlic in Spain today
29 October, 2019
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Garlic use in cooking recipes

There are several uses of garlic in the gastronomic field, since it can be used in many culinary preparations in different cultures.

The ways in which it is usually used to prepare recipes are varied, if raw garlic is consumed it usually serves as a condiment and flavoring, if it is presented in whole form and with olive oil it can be used in salads, specifically in the preparation of Sauces, cold soups.

If you want to give a different touch and flavor to the butter, you can add garlic peeled and chopped with parsley, in the same way, chopped, fresh parsley and oil provides fish and seafood, a simply exquisite taste.

It can also be used as a marinade and as a mariner of some meats, in relation to stir-fry it is used either as garlic paste, garlic, minced or chopped in the preparation of rice, stews, soup, pasta, among others.

Also another of its uses is the preparation of sauces, it should only be chopped with parsley and it is used to add to the meats, in the same way when using it with beaten eggs and breadcrumbs you can prepare the chicken or meat milanesas.

The tucos can also be made with this food, when making homemade mayonnaise can also be added.

In order for them to maintain the same taste in meals, it is recommended that garlic not be overcooked, that is, it should not overheat since it would burn, in addition to adding a totally unpleasant taste.

After your teeth are peeled, it is recommended to extract the internal bud of it, this is done with the intention that when consumed it does not repeat (gases) or it falls badly on the stomach.

Some recommendations for good use in the kitchen


When meals are going to be prepared with this food, it should be fixed that it is in good condition and the best way to realize it is to check that the heads are firm and that their skin is dry.

For their conservation it is recommended to keep them in a cool and dark place, all with the intention of preserving their smell, taste and nutritional value.

Experts recommend that the best way to consume garlic, be raw, when cooking it should be crushed well enough if possible half an hour before, if it is done in this way it ensures that garlic maintains its natural properties.


Considerations to take into account with the use of garlic


Since we know what are the benefits and uses of garlic in the kitchen for the preparation of typical foods and dishes, some considerations are mentioned below:

  • To eliminate the smell that leaves the manipulation of garlic in some of the utensils used in the preparation of recipes, it can be washed with enough cold water, always with a downward movement, without rubbing the implements.
  • To keep your shelter and be durable in a good time, it is always recommended to place them in a dry, cool and away from light, many people do their preservation in the fridge, but this is optional.
  • For those who do not like the intense flavor that garlic has, it is enough to remove the internal green seed that it has, it is splitting the garlic in half and the tip is removed with a sharp knife.
  • If you want to add only a touch of garlic that is not strong, you should only add whole garlic to meals, if on the contrary you want to feel a strong flavor proceed to crush and fry them, after this, you can add to what you are cooking .
  • If you want to easily remove their shell, you just have to place them on a board and hit them with the blade of a large knife.
  • When you peel the garlic, it is not necessary to remove the shells or skin that you have, since these can be fried and used to make ornaments to the gourmet dishes that are made.
  • In the same way you can proceed to fry the garlic heads, for this, part them, and in the end you can use it to season the food dishes you make.
  • You should not let it fry too much, since it significantly changes the taste of it, becoming bitter.
  • A very interesting fact regarding a sofrito that can be done is, crush the garlic and make a stir fry with ginger and celery, it turns out that it gives an exquisite touch to the meals.

One of the aspects to be taken into account with respect to the use of garlic, and that it is important to know it, is that garlic as such contains Aliin and flaxseed, which when cut or crushed mix both, if this food is cooked it loses its properties among them the Allicin, since it is neutralized.

So that this does not happen, we must change the way of cooking, once we cut, crush or process the garlic, we must only leave it aside for 10 minutes, this with the intention that a large amount of allicin is generated, With this we will achieve that a small part of that allicin reaches our body and we will also obtain flavor, health.